Reading of the Sacred Leaf (Coca) 1 Day

Reading of the Sacred Leaf (Coca) 1 Day

For centuries, the indigenous peoples of the Andean region have chewed coca leaf and drunk coca tea, its daily use does not cause any harm and is even beneficial to human health. When chewed, coca leaf acts as a mild stimulant and helps blood circulation as well as combating hunger, thirst, pain and tiredness. It helps to overcome altitude sickness.  Indigenous cultures consider it a sacred practice.

The reading of coca leaves is the ancestral method performed by Andean priests gifted with much wisdom in the Andes of South America where the Inca empire spread.

    100% SAFE

    Type of Circuit: Archaelogical
    Activity: Cultural Tourism
    Location: Cusco
    Level: Easy physical effort
    Duration: 1 day
    Maximum Altitude: Between 3300  –   3500 meter above sea level
    Weather: Cold / Dry and Temperature / Humid.


    To begin with the ceremony the Paco or Andean priest asks permission to the Apus considered the tutelary gods of the Andean religion.

    This activity comes from our ancestors and extended in all pre-Inca and Inca cultures until today.

    Your questions are answered when the Paco begins with the throwing of the sacred leaves, he will make a prayer to the Apus (mountains) to show our respect. A small blanket will be exposed and the Paco will blow to the mountains with 3 coca leaves called the FIFTH, which represents the three worlds (huqu pacha, kai pacha and hanaqpacha). The leaves fall after throwing them there comes the message sent by the Apus from the mountains, only the Andean priest will be able to interpret with the innate wisdom.

    Included / Not included


    • Pick up from your hotel
    • Private transportation
    • Translator from Quechua/Spanish to English.
    • Andean priest (paco)

    Not included

    • Gratuity

    Photo Gallery

    1 Day Tour
